... that I'm watching this movie The Cottage right now - it's a relatively new British horror-comedy just out on DVD - and I'm suddenly finding myself terrifically attracted to its star Andy Serkis?

Andy Serkis... as in Gollum. I feel weird thinking sexy thoughts about Gollum. But his voice is so... deep... and his presense so... commanding... I... I feel weird about this. Tell me it's going to be okay, please.
It's not just you. I found him completely adorable in the interviews and stuff on the "Lord of the Rings" dvds. I'm a slut for an accent. Plus, you gotta love a guy who rolls around a film set in a body suit with (apparently!) no shame.
One of the years we went to the San Diego Comic Con, they had a Lord of the Rings panel at which all four hobbits and Serkis were all present. Serkis looked like a total badass in leather jacket and leather pants, but the pants were SUPER tight, and...let's just say we got a good look at the Precious, and he had a lot to be precious about.
The accent does help.
Sean, I love that that's such a vivid memory for you. Gollum's leather-clad wang burned into your brain! ;-)
See, I had a crush on Sam, but not Gollum.
I have a feeling Andy Serkis is going to spend a lotta years taking a lotta pictures like this one in order to try to break free of the Gollum thing. I'm not saying he'll be entirely successful, but we can all enjoy the effort.
I thought he was hot in King Kong too. Too bad he got eaten by a worm.
Nah....he definitely has something. Leather clad wang and all.
Eugh. really?! I can't see it I'm afraid.
What did you think of The Cottage? I guess if you aern't familiae Jennifer Ellison or Reece Shearsmith it won't mean much to you.
Are those actual people you just named, herb-? Those sound like made-up people. At least the second one does.
And that'd be a "no, I am not familiar with those people" to your question. :)
I liked it alright. I assume, from your query, there was some inside stuff I was missing out on? I don't know if knowing something about Jennifer Ellison would've made me feel a little better about the only female character being a bitch we're supposed to cheer on a half-decapitation of... that made me a little uncomfortable. But otherwise it had some terrific gore and was fun enough. But there was some tonal... uncomfortableness.
Jennifer Ellison was a tacky blonde soap star who kinda reinvented herself after realising she could sing and appeared on the West End. She was then cast in the film version of Phantom of the Opera.
Her appearance in The Cottage was quite amusing as she seemed to (at least in part) be taking the pee pee out of her respectable career and playing a character very similar to the one from her Soap Slut days.
Reece Shearsmith is one quarter of acclaimed British comedy writers/performers, The League of Gentlemen. They revolutionised British mainstream comedy in 1999 when their radio show was adapted in to one of the sickest, scariest "sit-coms" (and I use that term more loosely than I use my butt) ever to be witnessed on telly.
Seriously, me and you have virtually identical taste. You will LOVE the League of Gentlemen. Wiki them to find out more. I'm sure they will be on BBC America; if not download the first series. You'll be hooked. I expect to see an entry on this blog soon!
You should try to find Deathwatch- he plays a tough guy in that one. Not a bad little horror movie...and not a lady in sight! :D
I forgot he was in Deathwatch! I don't remember finding him sexy in that one. But then I had Jamie Bell distracting me there.
I'm sure I saw a film where Andy Serkis was a gangster and he got his dinkle out. It looked a bit clammy as I recall.
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