Tuesday, September 25, 2007

RIP Maya Rudolph

No no no, she didn't die, thankfully. But she isn't coming back to SNL this season and that blows, if only because I love the Bronx Beat skits she's done with Amy Poehler so very deeply. Here's a clip from the episode with Peyton Manning as host (No, I couldn't find the Jake Gyllenhaal one on YouTube):

Though, as hysterical as I find Rudolph in these skits - not to mention her Whitney Houston impersonation that has me doubled over with laughter every time she shows up - I think my upstate-girlfriend Kristen Wiig could fit into the Bronx Beat skits as Poehler's replacement sidekick pretty well. So perhaps there's hopes that this very funny series will continue for a bit in Rudolph's absence.

But still, Maya Rudolph, you shall be missed. Go make more babies with Paul Thomas Anderson then! Get out!!!


J.D. said...


Marius said...

Well, I can't say I'm her biggest fan. But I will acknowledge that she was very effective in SNL and entertaining. I rarely watch SNL anymore, but I have fond memories of reruns of the original bunch--the not ready for primetime players. And, of course, I love Amy!!!!!!