Monday, September 24, 2007

Jake's Interview

I'm a bad Jake fan - I had this issue of Interview Magazine a full week and a half ago and kept being too lazy to scan it in myself... thankfully JJ did the duty and we all can now stare lovingly at the latest pics of Jake Gyllenhaal online. I didn't post the cover because (blasphemy) I think it's kind of a bad picture of him... I know... shame on me for thinking such things.



mac20 said...

All shame on you is removed. Thanks for the big scans. Question: Jakey cuter: Shaved, unshaved, or doesn't matter, he's Jakey?

Jason Adams said...

Well it doesn't really matter, but I would lean towards scruffy, just cuz I like the scruffy.

Cherita said...

Well, I'm gonna slap the shame right back on him. Damn you, JA! How dare you hold out like that! You lazy fucker, you. :)

I think all of the poses are rather silly, myself. But yes, he looks good. Duh. It's Jake. If you're speaking strictly about the aesthetics, I'd have to vote for clean shaven or light to moderate scruff, only because it's easier then to see that magnificent jaw and the moles. But certainly, no one in her or his right mind would turn Jake away just because he was sportin' the grizzly look.

John T said...

I'm really loving Jake holding the ax-so many dirty mental images ensue.

Xenia said...

I beg to differ about the cover JA...:)

Nev said...

Hu? The cover is gorgeous... hmmmmmmmm *drool*
