I'd like to say that the crisp autumnal air has got me in the mood for October - The Official Month of Ghoulishness, ya know - but stepping outside here in NYC today is like wading through bacon grease, so it's not the weather but rather the first link I offer you below that has got me thinking - more than usual, that is - on All Things Oogie-Boogie...

--- Get Your Willies On - Ed Hardy Jr. at Shoot the Projectionist has taken on a monumental and praise-worthy task for October - to come up with a list of 31 Flicks That Give You The Willies. He's eschewing words like "Greatest" or "Best" because - and I understand this more than you can imagine - these words stress us all out needlessly. Basically, the idea seems to be to set your own personal criteria for what gets you good, scare-wise, and list that. It's a come-one-come-all affair, so head over and submit your own 31 Scare Flicks to him, and he'll be compiling, sorting, so forth, and then there'll be voting through the month to come up with a definitive list in time for All Hallows. Make sure you get your list to him by October 13th, or he'll totally swallow your soul.

--- I've Heard Them Calling My Name - All you gotta say is "Rainbow Connection" and I'm there. But Glenn, going that extra mile as usual, adds Debbie Harry to the mix!

Anyway, David Duchovny's still telling us the second movie's happening, and now he's saying it'll start shooting in December. Mmhmm. Excuse my skepticism (I'm such a Scully!).

They had me at Shaun. And then even more (somehow) at Fuzz.
I want Run, Fatboy, Run NOW. Even though it is directed by David Schwimmer. Oh, who cares? One dash of Simon Pegg can defeat twelve thousand Rosses, right?
I'm glad you're diggin' the dollies! It's true, people who find killer dolls not at all frightening tend to find them completely goofy. They're usually a bit of both for me- take Dolls for example.
What can I say, I've got a soft spot for 'em, much as I do for animals run amok flicks, children hate you flicks, Jumpin' Jack Flash, and crack whores.
1. My birthday is October 13th. Just a reminder.
2. I love the X-Files. And now all we get is crummy Supernatural (which, admittedly, I've never even bothered watching).
3. My birthday is October 13th. Just another reminder.
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