Thursday, September 20, 2007

Having Dirty Thoughts About Beowulf

I know loads of fanboys are wetting themselves over the Angelina-boobies in Beowulf, but - naturally - I find myself far more invested in our main character's CG-enhanced assets. Ray Winstone has never - and, sorry Ray, never will again - look so tasty.

How freaking funny is the look on Robin Wright Penn's "face" as that fur drops? Hee.

These are from the new trailer which you can get over at FilmIck. There are a lot clearer shots of the monster Grendel in this trailer, too.

I know a lot of people - the boyfriend included - are wholly unimpressed by what we've seen so far, but I'm really looking forward to it. So there!


Cherita said...

Bah. Zemeckis has lost his mind. I've never been a big fan of animated movies, but this style in particular creeps me out. I can't be excited by something so superfluously digital. I mean, look at the reflective "sweat" on his chest. *shudder*

Jason Adams said...

I refused to see The Polar Express because the character's dead-eyes creeped me out, and still do, but I think the technique is working better here. Still not, perfect, and silly sure, but this has enough going for it - Beowulf is a great read, weirdly sexy cartoon abs, Crispin freaking Glover as Grendel - that I'm willing to indulge some silliness.

Glenn Dunks said...

I gotta agree that this looks quite silly. And why bother hiring someone like Ray Winstone if you're going to cut all the fat off him and turn him into a gym bunny?

J.D. said...

Even though I FREAKING LOVED!!!!!! The Polar Express, this is just getting ridiculous. I'd rather see Beowulf & Grendel from a few years ago (which I think got no release), with Gerard Butler and Sarah Polley. Or nothing at all. I could live with that.

Jason Adams said...

Y'all haters!

Anonymous said...

"I've never been a big fan of animated movies, but this style in particular creeps me out."

I'm an animator and it creeps me out.

Glenn Dunks said...

JD, apparently Beowulf and Grendel is terrible. I believe it only got a Canadian release though (it being a Canadian film I think).