Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bell's a Hero

The awesome Michael Ausiello at TV Guide snagged an interview with Miss Kristen Bell yesterday, and he gets her to open up a wee bit on her role on Heroes (she's going to have "an awesome superpower" ... and I just had an "awesome orgasm"); how she'd love to go back to Broadway but, with regards to that Legally Blonde rumor, nothing is set in stone; how crazy lucky she's been lately with the riches of offers (yay!) and how shooting in L.A. was part of her decision to do Heroes instead of Lost (which shoots in Hawaii); and about the possibility of a Veronica Mars movie, in which she doesn't have much new to say but I quote anyway:

"Ausiello: Rob Thomas told me he'd like to do a Veronica Mars feature film at some point. Any interest on your part?

Bell: Oh, absolutely. I'd do anything Rob asked me. I think we'd all love to work together again.

Ausiello:Have you spoken to Rob about it?

Bell: Not as far as locking down dates or anything, but before we left we were like, "OK, I guess our only option now to keep it alive is somebody's got to write feature!" We definitely all agreed that we would want to be involved in it."

Ausiello says he'll have a second half of the interview with her today in which she'll talk about the Veronica Mars finale, which I'll link to when it appears.

Also, I love how, when she's talking about how she's randomly been friends with a bunch of the Heroes cast even before getting cast, she mentions Zachary Quinto's name, which pretty much cements her status as huge fag-hag, right? I mean...
<--- Quinto!!! .


John T said...

Where exactly is that picture of Quinto in the steam room from?

Jason Adams said...

It's from that Tori Spelling show, NoTORIous on E!; he played her queeny best friend. You can watch the whole scene right here.