Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I Am Tuesday's Link

--- First off, if anybody out there wants to take the reins for defending Eli Roth's Hostel from me, a topic which I am seriously, to the Nth degree, burnt out on, and you promise to do it respectfully, with kindness in your heart and intelligence on the tip of your tongue - these are friends! no harrassment! - then I send you to this post at Stale Popcorn and this one at Reel Fanatic, where its merits are questioned.

I don't even think Hostel is a perfect film but I do think the label of "torture porn" is unfair and dismissive to it, but right now I just don't have the fight in me. I tossed and turned in bed last night for hours with phrases like "nihilism is not a dirty word" clogging my thoughts and I need a break. A break, I say! Yay vacation! I promise not to watch anybody get murdered while I'm away. A colonic for my brain, if you will.

--- And speaking of Eli Roth, if you are in the "He's a deranged, immoral prick" category, or if you just wanna see him be spanked - so much dirtiness involving him this week! - head over to AICN, where they called him out for being the bad, bad boy he is at last night's Austin Hostel: Part II premiere.

--- Another so-called Splat Pack member, Alexandre Aja, the director of Haute Tension and the remake of The Hills Have Eyes, is working on another remake, of the Asian horror film Mirrors, and had already lined up Keifer Sutherland to star, and now the bores-me-to-tears Amy Smart has joined the cast. Aja's talented but he has yet to bowl me over; Haute Tension was ruined by that last act twist and, though boyfriend will scowl at me if I say anything negative about Aja's Hills film which he loved, I honestly barely remember it.

--- Part the second - apparently the very interesting straight-to-DVD horror film Dead Birds, which I spoke of forever ago right here - is the first in a trilogy, and work's started on the second film, to be called The Stone House.

--- Ralphie Wiggum is a God - Lazy Eye Theater documents the genius of my favorite Simpsons character for the Simpsons Blog-a-thon at Esoteric Rabbit. Favorite quote:

"Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me."

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