Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Here I Was Born, And Here I Died


So I've mentioned it here and there, but I thought I should give a real heads-up - MNPP will be on a week-long hiatus starting this Thursday, June 7th, in the afternoon, until the following Friday, June 15th, while the boyfriend and I abscond to the West Coast.

Never been to San Francisco and, Hitch-geek that I am, all I can think is I want to delicately drop flower petals into the Bay and then throw myself in behind, and force the boyfriend to rescue me and take me home where he'll undress me and as I sleep the camera will pan lingeringly across my undergarments and then I'll awake and speak as if dosed with seventeen sleeping tablets, eyes misty and far away, of open graves and church towers. THAT'S how one visits San Francisco!

Anyway, yeah, I'll be away for a solid week starting two-ish on Thursday. That is all.


Anonymous said...

Nooooo!!! Don't leave us for so long!!!!
(/embarrassing outburst)

I mean, have a great time!

Jason Adams said...

Aww, I am appreciated! Thanks for that. :-)

Seriously, the boyfriend's laptop will be on vacation with us but if I try to blog I might have my hands cut off.

Unknown said...

This really made me laugh. I am Hitch-obsessed, and have taken myself on several Vertigo tours of San Francisco. They usually involve things like me taking 400 pictures of the wall at the Legion of Honor Museum where the painting of Carlotta Valdes once hung or loitering in the alley where Kim Novak snuck through the back door to Podesta Baldocchi florist. So I totally understand the urge to fling the petals and then yourself in the bay. I might just try that too! Have fun!! San Francisco is a magical city. Especially for Vertigo-lovers.

John T said...

I also did the whole Hitchcock freakout thing when I was in San Francisco. Have a great time!