Monday, March 19, 2007

I Am Link

--- Hostel director Eli Roth's got a lil' column over at VH1 now where he's detailing the Hostel Part II shoot; But first up he talks about getting cast by his pal Quentin Tarantino for a small role in Grindhouse.

--- I missed this week's Horror Roundtable at The Horror Blog with my little space-out last week, but y'all should check it out: on the menu - our favorite horror scores. And yes, even though they're the obvious choices, I think I'd come down to a 3-way tie between Jaws, Psycho, and Halloween.

--- The flow of pictures from Rob Zombie's movies continues unabated, with some new snaps of his Halloween characters popping up. I do like this new shot (at right) of Michael Myers, so that's why I'm bothering.

--- According to FilmIck (I haven't seen it anywhere else) the official title for Indy 4 will be Indiana Jones and the City of Gods, and may have to do with Teotihuacan. We shall see.

--- Jake Gyllenhaal is in Morroco shooting Rendition. In a suit. Being adorable. Of course.

--- And speaking of Mr. Gyllenhaal, screenwriter John August calls crap on the Jakey playing Captain Marvel rumors. As much as I live for the thoughts of Jake donning tight costumes, I'm glad this one's false.

--- Author Neal Stephenson's piece in the NY Times yesterday does a pretty great job summing up why I think some of the knee-jerk liberal cliches in some of the critical reaction to Zack Snyder's 300 was a wee bit off-base with their target. You can try and shoehorn a lot of supposed "meaning" into the film that it simply was not built to facilitate. Just look for your Halliburtons elsewhere! (via Sean)

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