Friday, February 09, 2007

Oh Bana

Is Eric Bana, possibly, the hottest man alive? I ask this honestly. Seriously. Without qualms that it could quite possibly be the absolute truth so help me Christ.

Glenn posted about an upcoming Bana-project earlier, which sent me - as is usually the case whenever the Bana-name is invoked - on a Bana-picture hunt, where I stumbled upon some new-to-me pictures, some not-so-new, and there is not a pose this man can strike that doesn't make me reel with hormones, so honestly, seriously, I ask: is there anyone on this entire globe that is hotter? Because I don't think there could be. I think the volcanoes would implode and we'd be buried in molten hotness if anyone hotter than Eric Bana were to appear. We're very nearly there with The Bana himself. Bana = Global Warming. Anyway, picture-time!



Michael Parsons said...

He is so hot because he looks so real. You could imagine actually meeting him.

Anonymous said...

His shark eyes frighten me. I think he tries to distract people from his soulless eyes by placing his hands behind his head in every other pose. You cannot fool me, Bana!

Jason Adams said...

He does love that hand-behind-head pose. But then, SO DO I. Oh yes, so do I.

Good call, though, on the shark eyes. But where they frighten you, they make my nethers tingle.

Anonymous said...

yes! i totally agree with you. he is the hottest man alive! i'm devising a plan to kidnap him and make him my sex-slave muhaha watch out rebecca i'm taking his hot ass!

Glenn Dunks said...

He is indeed quite a dish, but he's not the hottest in my books.

But as Michael said, he looks real. He doesn't look like he spends all his time taking roids and pumping iron, but instead got his body from doing manly stuff like chopping wood and carrying 2x4s across the yard.

And he doesn't wax, which (for me) is pretty much a sign that a guy isn't a tosser.

Anonymous said...

Only Jake is hotter, but just barely.