Thursday, February 01, 2007

Gray Skies Are Gonna Clear Up!


Have you looked to the marquee at your local Movie House as of late and cursed the heavens with unutterable names like Night at the Museum and Epic Movie as your vile epithets? Have you found yourself wondering what the filmic landscape of 2007 will have to offer that can sweep aside such cinematic dust-bunnies and remind you why you like the movies again?

Well, much like the Borg, Nathaniel (I guess this makes him the Borg Queen) at The Film Experience has gotten several of us movie-loving bloggers together and over the next couple of weeks - starting in the next couple days - we'll be giving you the sunny side of 2007 Movies; in other words, the movies that matter. Because we care. And we know best. Collectively. Like the Borg (I really don't know why I'm so Borg-focused this morning; just go with it).

When it effectively begins, I'll let y'all know with the appropriate linkage. This is just a head's up.

And also, because we are not actually the Borg but seriously opinionated bloggers (those are the most opionated people of all!), I'm going to make mention of the movies I loved but were lost; i.e. the ones that apparently nobody else in Our Collective gives a hoot about, but I do, I do dammit.

Expect my abandoned 2007 movie-babies to be given their appropriate love later this afternoon.

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