Via Nathaniel at the Film Experience, I been tagged for this Movie Meme. Thanks, Nat, I been wanting to do one of these! Fun, fun!

I hate popcorn. HATE. That’s a strong word – hate – and I’m using it here, in reference to popcorn. Hate. Chocolate and I, on the other hand, are moving to Massachusetts to get gay-married.
2. Name a movie you've been meaning to see forever.
Well I’ve never seen an entire Bond movie (which will change when Casino Royale comes out… mmmm Daniel Craig…), and I’ve never seen any of the Godfather films. I want to sit and watch the Coppola films (I’ve gotta watch Part III, too, even though it’s supposed to be major suckage) right in a row, and I haven’t had the inclination lately. Some day!
3. You are given the power to recall one Oscar: Who loses theirs and to whom?
CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH!!! And Brokeback Mountain wins its rightful Best Picture statuette. God even saying that makes me feel better. I still have deep psychic scars from that night.

Cary Grant’s suit from North By Northwest. So the boyfriend will love me.
5. Your favorite film franchise is...
I’m tempted by Lord of the Rings, but I think, in terms of a series I can watch over and over and over, then it’s gotta be the three Evil Dead films. I'll swalla ya soul!

Well, Jake, obviously. And then Ian McKellen, because he’s awesome and would be wonderfully entertaining, and also I think I could count on him to get Jake drunk and loosen him up with inappropriate questions for me, but I think I could pry Jake away in the end once he’s frisky enough because I have (semi-)youth on my side. Maybe. It’s a thin line, I can’t invite anyone too attractive or powerful because they’d be too big a rival for Jake’s "affections" once the night was ending, and I’m hoping McKellen, as much as I love the guy, wouldn’t be Jake’s type (i.e. no Grandpa fetishes). Oh, right, three other people… um… Ellen Degeneres, Jodie Foster, and Heather Matarazzo. There, I think I’m safe. He’s mine!!! And I feed them all booze and rum-soaked cake. And Rohypnol.
7. What is the appropriate punishment for people who answer cell phones in the movie theater?
Ah, indulging my sadistic side… a chip should be implanted in their brain that picks up every cell phone signal within a 20-mile radius and fires some random synapse, so they’d all have to go hide in the wilderness far from movie theaters for the rest of their lives or risk going into seizures. I haven’t exactly worked out the exact science of that there (like, is there anywhere free of cell phone signals?), but it’s genius nonetheless.

Mystique all the way. Cuz you just know, when she and Magneto are hangin’ out, she morphs into Wolverine and lets Magneto go to town. Mmmm Wolverine.
9. What's the scariest thing you've ever seen in a movie?
Wow this is a tough one. For being a horror fan, I am a major wuss and am scared pretty easily (but I love that feeling, which is why I keep going back for more). Okay, just picking the first one that pops to mind – I saw the original Japanese Ringu in the theater, and had gotten to the theater a bit late and had to sit in the front row. When Samara climbed out of the television screen in that scene towards the end, I literally almost climbed over the back of my chair and into the lap of the person behind me. It wasn’t a jump, it was a slow back-up the back of my chair trying to get the hell away from the screen freak-out.
10. Your favorite genre (excluding comedy and drama) is?
Horror beats any genre, hands down. When it’s on the mark (which, yes, happens far too infrequently), it gets me like none other. The moments that’ve scared me in a movie theater are my most cherished movie memories.
11. You are given the power to greenlight movies at a major studio for one year. How do you wield this power?
Peter Jackson makes The Hobbit. Eli Roth remakes Battle Royale. Terry Gilliam makes Good Omens. Michael Haneke and George Romero are given unlimited control and budget to do anything the hell they want to. Anything starring Kate Hudson or Sarah Jessica Parker is recast with Amy Sedaris or Rachel Dratch. Oh, and Parker Posey stars in an adaptation of a story I wrote with her in mind.

Sorry Faye, love the outfits, but this contest just ain’t fair.
13. Who are you tagging to answer this survey?
Steven and Joe and DL.
That was one hell of a read. A big ROFLCOPTER to the whole McKellen/Gyllenhaal paragraph. But you don't like popcorn? That's just sick!
You... hate... popcorn...? that... doesn't make sense!
Anyway, I didn't watch the Godfather films all in one go but I hired the first one out from Blockbuster, loved it and got the next to when I returned it a few days later and watched one that day and the other the next day. So, it was sort've close to a marathon, just... not.
I even like Part III Weird, I know.
I know, I know, every time I go to the movies with a person I've never gone with before they gape at me dumbly when I express my hatred of popcorn. But it does have a history! I worked at a small movie theater in college and I would sit there and eat it by the fistload and officially ate my entire life's worth within a couple of months. Now the sight and smell of it make me ill. But yeah, a person who loves going to the movies but hates popcorn is a bit of an anomoly, I know.
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