I'm not really surprised that Pirates of the Carribbean : Dead Man's Chest is breaking records this weekend - went to see it on a semi-lark yesterday and the lines and crowds were outta control. Been awhile since I've had to stand in a line after getting to the theater 45 minutes early.
As for the film, it was precisely what I expected, and I left it feeling the same way I did the first one - that is, they're great Summer Movies, loud and fun and completely pointless. A more enjoyable overall experience than Superman Returns was, but mostly because it was without the burden of nagging ideas (or, a single thought, really) in its colorful, riotous head.
Johnny Depp does more of his still entertaining Capt. Jack schtick, essentially carrying the entire film on his stumbling shoulders.
I found myself - a first! - liking Keira Knightley this go-round. She had more to do and, in a twist at the end, she got very interesting indeed.
Not so fortunate is Orlando Bloom, who continues to not register at all as an onscreen presence... now that he's gotten a little older and his once-flawless skin is griming up a bit, I'm beginning to wonder if there's any reason at all to cast him in anything. Will Turner is, I suppose, the bland audience-surrogate hero we need in this sort of overblown action saga, but... I hardly remember a single moment of Orli's performance. Not a note that stood out. Where Johnny Depp commands the screen with all the booms and CG-squishiness going on around him, I find myself looking at everything but Bloom when he's onscreen. I'm bein g a little extra-harsh on the guy here - I loved Legolas as much as the next geek, am one of the few people who enjoyed him in Elizabethtown and Kingdom of Heaven, but really, honestly, seriously, he is such a cipher in these Pirates films that, well, it sort of offends me. You just got reunited with your father, boy! Express something more than befuddled petulance!

I suppose I liked this one better than the first because of the nastiness of the special effects - any time this much loving craftsmanship is spent on realizing oozing sores and splitting pustules with legs, I can only be awed. But again I left the theater a little empty inside, the equivalent of a cinematic-Twinkie buzzing in my veins, slowly dissolving with each step into the sunny summer day.
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