Monday, September 12, 2005

And Even More Politics!

Wow, I was really full of crap when I said I was taking a breather from the political stuff.

After a long weekend back in Washington, presumably having Dick Cheney waterboard him and Rummy stick toothpicks under his fingernails and whatever other Bush-approved torture was designed to get Michael Brown to resign instead of making Bush fire him and therefore undermine his already-stated approval of Brown's performance, head o' FEMA Michael Brown has indeed resigned today.

So now Brown can go and chew on some lawn or aluminum cans or White House memos or whatever else a scapegoat does, and President Bush can say that's that and resume filling his corporate overlord's pockets with gold doubloons.

And the residents of Louisiana can just suffer. I mean, according to wise ol' Tom DeLay, keep having fun! Isn't homelessness fun? Whee!

Anyway, don't get me wrong, Michael Brown HAD to go. He was a complete failure. An unbelievable failure. But who would've thought otherwise? The man had no right to be given that position. He had no experience, and his resume was a crock. And that's an inexcusable failure that's knockin' on the White House door.

Too bad it doesn't have the good sense to knock on the door of Bush's ranch in Crawford, since that's the only place to ever catch him.

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