Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Walking Dead

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You know, I went to bed earlier last night than I have all week, yet I wake up this morning and feel groggier than I have in awhile. WTF?

I finished the serial-killer book pretty early, like 10pm or so, sputtered around for about an hour, and passed out. Yes, this is my life when the bf's out of town. Anyway, this is shit. Shit, not champagne. That I'm feeling like, that is.

I need some effing caffiene.

Hmm. In other news, I also got my hair cut last evening. Just a trim! Don't fret, I ain't looking (explicitly, at least) like our friend Count Orlok up there. No chrome dome. Just a trim! Anyway, it ended up being a selfish spiteful act on my part, because it made me completely forget what I was wandering around after work for, which was to go to the bf's house and feed his fucking goldfish. So now, they're probably dead, and I am a murderer, cold blooded, vengeful, heart black as a charwoman's fingernails. Lil' Debbie and Turtle's blood are on my hands! Eeee!

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Just hold on, fellas, I'll be there tonight, I promise!

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