Wednesday, August 10, 2005

James Dobson: Likely Satan

"Boys don’t automatically grow up to be men. Girls don’t always want to become women."

Ugh. I don't know why I even click on links to Focus on the Family's website, ever, I just end up getting very, very angry. And I'm not going to offer a link to the page the above quote comes from, because I am not giving those harridans any traffic.

But the quote comes from their helpful, handy guide to Persecuting Your Sissy... er, I mean, "Helping Boys become Men and Girls Become Women."
It's filled with all sorts of hints about how to drive your child to a life of neuroses and feelings of unworthiness. Yay!

I understand that a lot of parents want what's best for their kids, and see that a lot of people in the world are not gay-friendly, to put it mildly, and yes, gay men and women have got to deal with their fair share of extra shit. But grinding a baseball mitt onto your son's hand until it bleeds is not doing anyone any favors. Guess what? If the boy's gonna suck cock, the boy's gonna suck cock. The end.

Now, here's a handy suggestion for all that extra effort you'll have when you stop worrying about changing your child and just start loving them for who they are and will grow to be : you can take that nasty little ball of worry boiling in your gut and direct it at the assholes and sons of bitches out there in the world like Mr. Dobson who continue to spew hatred and flail their arms around still braying that "homosexuality is a disorder" and "the homosexual can become a heterosexual, with a little effort." Hey, Jimmy, I can learn to play the accordian, too, but I'm never going to like the sounds it makes.

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