Monday, June 06, 2005

Review - Anatomy of Hell

I thought it'd be a good idea to see one of Catherine Breillat's films. Jesus Christ, I was wrong.

I was intruiged by the comments I'd read reviewing Anatomy of Hell (Anatomie de l'enfer), I remember it getting a lot of "homophobic" remarks, and from the descriptions I'd read that seemed entirely plausible. But still, here was a "renegade" "feminist" "filmmaker" stomping on common morales and just going all out. Problem was I wasn't ready for how "all out" Breillat goes. For example: I never really needed to watch someone pull a blood-drenched erection out of a woman whose vagina is also spilling a torrent of blood, but I got to! Praise be.
Seriously though, this is the story of a GAY man who is hired by a woman to instruct her as to why men hate women. Or rather, why men hate Woman, since Breillat's working with absolutes here. Anyway, hello, gay man here, and I am merely indifferent to the idea of Woman in respect to sex. There is a case to be made for the misogyny in the gay community, but that's not what this film is about. She uses a male's gayness as the ultimate affront to womanness, as if gay men have simply chosen to turn their back on women because blah blah their orafices make us giggle and cringe, and GOD that is dumb. Dumb dumb dumb, that's all this movie is.

Not to mention, if you can tell an actor is lousy when he's speaking a language you don't understand, he's got to be really lousy. But I suppose he was cast because of his enormous cock, which he had. Congrats on that front, I suppose.

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