Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ultimate Spider-Bum

So let's say that last night I stumbled upon a gallery of over four hundred pictures from the set of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. We're not saying this hypothetically. Let's just say it, since it happened. What did I do? 

Why I scoured through them and narrowed them down to, oh let's say just over ninety or so. Let's say that! According to folks on set, these shots are all of Andrew Garfield himself - no stunt-doubles.

I'm not one hundred percent on that - especially with the shots towards the end of him standing beside the bus, since those are from another day's shooting - but whatever at this point, ya know? I am cross-eyed (in the best sense) by now from staring at this costume.

Hit the jump for all the sizzling Spider Action!


Tyler O. said...

What bum? Spidey needs someone curvier.

Jess said...

I think the person on the last spider butt post was right then. In the first movie, they had a stunt double with a full rear. And in this sequel, they hired a new stunt double who has a butt more matching Andrew.

I'm reminded of an interview I saw once on tumblr where the topic of what body part he would be remembered for came up. Andrew guessed his dick but the interviewer told him it was his butt. I don't think Andrew liked being remembered for a body part that wasn't actually his.

Derreck said...

I'm way more interested in the saga of Spider-bum than the actual movie.

Unknown said...

We’re really happy to see our photos on your blog and really touched by what you have
written. It was a very simple but wonderful wedding (in our opinion!) and you have
captured the very essence of it – though we knew you would the moment we met you. All
our thanks, Sophie & Steve.

xex said...

That is one sad-looking ass.

Scot said...

Hanna Emma - are you trying to tell us that that's actually you in that poorly made Spiderman suit? And did you marry Paul Giamatti in his boxers? Now I understand the gif file with your little wedding dance!

Anonymous said...

Not much of a butt!

Being me said...

Andrew is like a magician, nothing in the front, nothing in the back!!!lol

Jacobus 323 said...

I sometimes think he was separated at birth from another Andy...Roddick.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Garfield is just ugly. And like the skeleton dude he is, he has no bum.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the tenor of the comments. I'll only add, if I didn't know Anthony Perkins was a closet-case, I'd say Andrew Garfield's Mum knew him VERY well!

AG said...

I agree with the majority here.

That is one sad looking butt! lol