Friday, March 06, 2015

Zach's Mask of Sanity Slips

I feel just like Nettie in The Color Purple - all sorts of things have gotten in the way of me blogging this week (sickness, computer trouble) but NOTHING WILL KEEP ME FROM IT!!!! Ahem. So yeah this news about Zachary Quinto joining Hannibal for a guest-starring bit is a couple of days old, is my point. But maybe you missed it! Maybe your brother-in-law chased you on a horse and then you got shipped off to Africa and a bulldozer tore down your church and you're only now back on the internet and you're an old lady and we're all sitting on the porch wearing pants - PANTS! - and sipping lemonade or whatever, well now you know, Zachary Quinto will be on Hannibal. Happy cry!

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