Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Touch It, Ryan Hansen

It's only six days until the CW's online Veronica Mars spin-off thingamajig Play it Again, Dick with Ryan Hansen & Co shows up, and they've dropped some images and a lil' trailer off for us, they have.

(thanks Mac + TBM) Things we learned: Robert Buckley 
is on this for some reason, and he's wearing a naval uniform:

Don't ask don't tell, indeed. Also this picture:

... is not the same as the picture we posted the other day; in the other shot Jason's arms are raised behind his head. For this, we are blessed. And here is is as a gif!

Doubly blessed. In summation if you don't adore Ryan Hansen then you don't adore life itself. Hit the jump for a few more pictures...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I so miss Party Down!