Wednesday, July 16, 2014

15 Years

JFK Jr. died fifteen years ago today. Every time I'm in Central Park I mourn the fact that I never got to see him running around there half naked. See lots of that here.


John said...

He was mentioned in an episode of the American QAF, if you've ever seen it. Emmett was talking about JFK Jr. dying and seeing him shirtless and he didn't know if he should cry or jerk off. He's another one of those celebs that will never get old...That weekend he died was also the weekend that my Uncle was buried (died from Cancer that week). It was a very hot day and I'll never forgot it.

J.D. said...

not only was he a handsome man, he also had a very free-spirited soul about him. he will be missed dearly.

Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with that first image. I can't stop staring at it.