Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Gratuitous Tyler Hoechlin

It's alright, I'll give you a minute. Take your time. You can probably find a paper bag to breath in in that drawer in the kitchen where the towels are. You know the one. You okay? It's a lot to take in, I know. We'll be alright. Okay. So... wow right? Honestly gratuitizing Tyler Hoechlin properly here at MNPP is so beyond over-due you should all be terribly disgusted with me. It struck me last night when this gif of Tyler in the latest Teen Wolf wandered past me...

...oh dear - the bag, grab the paper bag! Well now you've passed out. It's alright, I can wait again. Although I probably shouldn't stare at that gif while waiting because... oh damn I passed out too. We're not getting anywhere with this! Here we are and half the damned day is gone. Alright... we're all awake now? Like I was saying, I should've gratuitized Tyler forever ago. He has gotten posts here and there in appreciation - especially click here, but also here and here - but he deserves the big stuff.

Well that's not what I meant by "the big stuff" when I said it but now that it's out there yeah, Joe Manganiello is totally what I meant. Well until their sex tape leaks and we all go straight up Scanners, let's just hit the jump and take in the good and proper gratuitous Tyler Hoechlin post that he demands.


MKR said...

He's just...there are no words.

Shane said...

It just blows my mind that this is the same actor who played Tom Hanks' son in "Road to Perdition"

Jonathan said...

He is the reason I started watching Teen Wolf! I'm somewhat embarrassed because I'm not the target demo, aka a teen, but whatever. It's a pity he's not a bigger star, can you imagine seeing all of that on the big screen?

Anonymous said...

another low budget actor with little discernible talent and a gym membership. Thrilling.

Loganus said...

So has he come out yet? My gaydar is going crazy and it's telling me he looks like a gayer (in the face) version of Cheyenne Jackson.

Film Excess Movie Review Blog said...

Thank you, MNPP!
I don't give a rat's ass about the wolves, at this point I just want to know for real, exactly how much sex these guys have with each other on or off that show?

Andy Swist said...

Tyler is always showing off on the show. Teen Wolf fans like to slash him together with Stiles, but I'd much rather see him with "Big Joe"! ummmm... just letting you all know I made a PAPER DOLL of Tyler last year. It's still up online available for FREE. Now you can use a car battery and clamp his nipples as much as you like. ;)

Unknown said...

#DONTHATE on Tyler!