Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I Forgot To Mention...

... I'm covering the New York Film Festival, sorta! As you can see there to the left I've got a bona fide big boy press badge and everything. I'm covering it as part of Team Film Experience, so a hefty thanks to Nathaniel for the opportunity - most of my coverage will be over there, but I'll certainly be linking up here and doing my own jabbering here, when I can. Anyway that's where I was this morning (Hello there James Franco's Cormac McCarthy adaptation Child of God), and that's why the blog's been so far silent today. Until now.

I added that "sorta" to my initial declaration though because my own personal screening schedule is pretty scattered (I have a day job to contend with) and it's not going to be a constant barrage of my absence over the next couple of weeks. But now and then, now and then. I think I'll end up seeing around 15 movies in total, between now and October 12th. I'm terribly excited. Wish me luck!


billybil said...

Good luck handsome.

Anonymous said...

Um...you're hot.

Have fun...I'm jealous...

Legend Rivera said...

Sweet beard bro.