Friday, August 02, 2013

Do You See What I See...

Actually I have to thank this tumblr here
for pointing this out... look closely...

I said closely, dammit!

Exactly. Thank you. Someone is longing to break free. Do you think that Godzilla tried to have his way with Aaron? Is that what this movie's about? Hot!!


billybil said...

Great closeup! I feel like this man - this actor - is profoundly versatile. I mean, when I think back over the roles I've seen him do already...and he is so hot and vital and interesting...the dancing through the town video was him, right? Anyway - I hope he gets all kinds of amazing parts and does all kinds of different roles - romantic, villainous, tough, sweet, naked, clothed - I hope the world is smart enough to make this guy a super superstar!

das buut said...

Definitely trying to escape. I wish that blowout would go further. At least his costume in kickass 2 had no shame.

On a side note: It looks like movie studios might be taking their hints from Netflix. Or, if not them, then someone is.

Joey said...

He looks a bit like a smaller Channing Tatum in these pics.