Monday, June 17, 2013

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... being all I could be with Henry Cavill.

Alright so that video's pretty thick with the rah-rah but you know if you're gonna indoctrinate me into the cult of America Fuck Yeah there's probably no better way than with Henry Cavill glistening all over the place.

And since we just wrote up our mixed feelings about Man of Steel with barely a mention of how spectacular Henry looked the timing on this one's perfect, so thanks to Terence for tweeting it to us! Much appreciated.

Seriously. MUCH.

So, so much. 
Hit the jump for a whole pile more...


MrJeffery said...

no need to waste my $ on 'man of steel' when i can watch this. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yowsa!!! Actually I keep seeing these little clips which seem to indicate that Michael Shannon has some pretty nice biceps in this movie. Wonder if there are any training clips of him bulking up? Not seeing the film until next week, but this will certainly be nice til I do. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would pay to watch his 3 hour working out program but I won't pay to watch the horrible Alien drama/thriller he is in pretending to be superman.
