Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Strange For Justin

It just randomly came up in conversation last night - to the tune of hysterical laughter in remembrance of its lousiness - that Justin Theroux did indeed write the godawful script for Iron Man 2 - yeesh, that shit was bad. We still love slash desire him anyway, but today we're being reminded of that factoid a second time in as many days with word that he's maybe possibly up for one of the next Marvel superheroes - as in, he is writing the script and he is playing the part. Doctor Strange, that is. It's all just very very early conjecture based on rumor based on whispers half-heard down long alleyways, but hey, it's letting me post pictures of Justin, so it's totally worth our time. And let it be known that schtupping Jennifer Aniston is totally fine for one's career! It's about time somebody put that perfect body of his to good super-use.

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