Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... tipping one back with Jason Statham. At either end.

I feel like it's been too long since I've spoken of Mr. Statham. Far too long. I just got his latest movie  called Killer Elite from Netflix yesterday, which he co-stars in with Clive Owen and Robert DeNiro - I don't tend to go see Statham's movies in theaters but I've watched pretty much every single one on DVD. There's something very comforting and familiar about them. Plus yes as has been excessively documented here Jason usually takes off some clothes.

You can't go wrong. Anyway there's actually some really awesome news having with do with him that just came out today so this post has even more of a purpose. Via AICN:

"Evidently, the great Jason Statham is remaking - or rather re-adapting - Heat, the 1986 film which starred Burt Reynolds, which itself was based on a novel.

Given that William Goldman, who scripted the 80s picture as well as the book which inspired it, is returning to pen this new interpretation - sounds like we may get something of a hodge podge this time around...part remake of a film, part re-adaptation of his own novel, all resulting in something familiar but new. Word is the original film version was a bit troubled behind the scenes, thus the end product never quite nailed what The Powers That Be had probably hoped to achieve Perhaps this new version will net better results?

Brian De Palma (SCARFACE, BLOW OUT, THE FURY) will direct this new iteration, which - as mentioned above - will be scripted by William Goldman (THE PRINCESS BRIDE, MARATHON MAN, THE GHOST AND THE DARKNESS) based upon his novel of the same name."

Dude. William Goldman writing and Brian De Palma directing a movie starring Jason Statham? That kicks righteous amounts of ass. Righteous. I don't believe I've ever seen the Burt Reynolds original, have any of you? It doesn't sound like I need to, frankly. Anyway, yes, a thousand times yes. I might even go to the movie theater for this collaboration! And here are a few more pictures of Jason since MNPP's been left Statham dry for too long. (most pics via)

That last pic is of Jason back in August on the set of some movie called Parker (via) - I'm not sure who that is with him (maybe Clifton Collins Jr?) but Jason's pants are popping in all the right places, that I do know. Good grief.

And to end on the most vulgar note possible, yes even more than that, here's his girlfriend that Transformers "actress" playing with his dick in public. (via) Sigh. Models get all the luck.


bob said...

I heard he was gay and had a lover...true??

billybil said...

Holy hell - you're right - that pants pop is just about perfect. Triple sigh...