Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Morning, World


I suppose this doesn't really need any comment. This speaks
for itself. (But James taught his brother well.) (via)



Anonymous said...

OMG, where is this from???

Legend Rivera said...

I should really start posting images of gratuitous nudity on my blog.
As soon as the Franco's do something with lipstick, 10,000,000 hits. Guaranteed.

Gary said...

You need to immediately log on to his original "funny or die" video, "you're so hot" with chris mints-plazas. It's beyond awesome.

Gary said...

Oops - spelling error - it's w chris mintz-plasse

Darn iPad

John T said...

I seriously think the Franco boys wake up each morning and think "how can I get a gay guy to jerk off today?"

Timmy! said...

Neither of the Franco Brothers are talented. Every time James does something that MIGHT make Hollywood sit up and notice him and start casting him in big movies, he comes out with shit films like Pineapple Express. Classic case of intentionally shooting yourself (in THIS case, shooting your CAREER)in the foot.

Dave is a carbon copy of his brother, younger and, if possible, even stupider. They will forever be relegated to stupid video clips like these to make a living... either that or Dave will end up turning tricks on Hollywood Boulevard to support his brother