Friday, March 04, 2011

Michael Fassbender's Public Sex Scene

Thee Fassy posts in a row! It's a good day. Anyway I go one day without checking Fassinating Fassbender and I miss insanity! Beautiful almost naked Fassbender insanity! I should warn you there are naked ladies coming. But they're blocking the naked Fassbender with their own nakedness so in order to get the hint of one you must subject yourself to the other. Boo!

Anyway he's filming that movie Shame with his Hunger director Steve McQueen right now here in New York and not only is h taunting me by walking around on the streets looking like this but apparently he's filming sex scenes in public! Public! Or at least against the giant windows of The Standard Hotel (which has gotten a rep for this sort of thing). That's it, I quit my job, I have got to go wander the streets and find this shit. Here are the paparazzi photos, and again, naked ladies warning. Click them to embiggen. I wish somebody'd gotten a better shot of him! Dang it.

See them after the jump....

ETA I've added shots from the finished movie here!


RJ said...

Jesus ... WTF?

Michael said...

It is like a shame movie.