Friday, November 06, 2009

Addressing The Live Hamster In The Room

There's a pleasant little chat with the lovely Morena Baccarin, the one-time Firefly star who's now running things on ABC's new remake of V, over at io9 today that you oughta read if you've watched the first episode already (sidenote: I liked it.). She addresses the "Alien leader = Obama" subject that's been brought up, (she give a sort of no answer) as well as The Most Important Thing Of All:

Baccarin admits she gets asked whether she'll be eating a live hamster — like, pretty much all the time. She says:

"We haven't done it in these [first] four episodes, and I'm bracing myself. And so many people ask about it, I think it's imminent. I think we are going to pay homage to those moments, but not maybe do them the same way — so hopefully I won't have to put a hamster down my throat."

You suck it up, lady! You took the job, you knew the risks! Eating a live hamster is a part of them risks! Do it! For the sake of all that's good and true in this world, you must.

And for fun, here's the spectacular scene
of which we speak from the original V:

. .
I'm not exaggerating at all when I tell you that this scene was as important in making me the pop-culture-zombie I am today as was the scene where Kimberly ripped her wig off on Melrose Place or that time when Allie found out what it's like to be homeless on a very special episode of Kate & Allie. Ahh memories.

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