Wednesday, October 28, 2009

There Is Something Wrong With Me


Take one moderately handsome fellow, splatter him with a bunch of blood and gore, and what do you get? Well according to my brain you get an even more handsome fellow. I don't know. I'm weird! But watching this video (via Twitch) only proved that slightly more than living with myself day in and out already has. So yeah. This is a funny Halloween faux-infomercial directed by Adam Green, the director of Hatchet, and starring Paul Solet, the director of Grace. Oh and it's NSFW by the way.




J.D. said...

That's like a swear-laden version of an old series of MADtv sketches.

Michael Parsons said...

Hmmm. Remind me of that time I went as a slasher film survivor for Halloween. Covered in blood, not looking pretty and I pulled a guy who when we got home, refused to let me shower.