Monday, December 10, 2007

Pic of the Day


Ya know, I really don't want to be attracted to David Beckham... but it's hard-wired into me or something. It's like the great Nature Vs. Nurture debate playing out in the confines of my noggin, only with a stuffed pair of Armani briefs as the battlefield. Confusion!

(via here)


Glenn Dunks said...

Okay, I don't even find him good looking any more, but dayum!

Jason Adams said...

This picture, the more I scan over it, is making me dizzy. I shouldn't has posted it.

And is it just me or does it seem like they digitally pumped up his pectorals? Becks has got great legs and abs and everything except a chest; he's got this weird non-chest. But here he looks downright chesty.

Anonymous said...


MY GROIN!!!!!!!!

Glenn Dunks said...

Well, they pumped up his pecs and shoved a sock down his jocks. They're not exactly going to authenticity, are they?

But, yes, I have noticed that weird check thing for a long time now.