Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Hate Aaron Sorkin

Seriously, this man's writing makes me want to use a roto-rooter to vacuum my innards out.

I tried to watch about ten minutes of Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip last night - Amanda Peet! Sarah mother-fuckin' Paulson! - and I just could not bear it. You can practically feel the drool of self-love dripping off of his every written word. Makes me sick. HATE HATE HATE.

End rant. Ahh. I feel better now. I don't get it though - this is what TV critics are jerking off to these days? Urgh. I guess he's making them feel important - look, he's with us! He thinks TV sucks too! What a renegade! Ooh he's so clever - he's both ripping off Network and then he talks about that's exactly what he's doing! Wow!


Okay, now end rant.


StinkyLulu said...

Hee hee.

Joe R. said...

Yeah, but you're still gonna ead the recaps, right?

Joe R. said...

Or read them, even.

Jason Adams said...

Joe, as long as you stay true to TWoP's mantra of bringing the snark, I' ll totally follow you into the long dark night that is Sorkin-land.

No way in hell am I gonna watch the show, though. But I can do recaps! ;-)

Anonymous said...

hahaha! my friend. if there's anything I love more than a container of ice cream. it's blinding unadulterated hatred.

heart, Arden

Anonymous said...

Sorkin: "TV stinks"
Peet's stare creeps me the hell out
Chayefsky's grave shifts